Department of International Economy and Trade
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YANG Rudai

  Job title:

  Professor, School of Economics, Peking University

  Vice President of China Consumer Economics Association

  Associate Editor of "Consumer Economy"

  Secretary-General of China Economics Annual Conference

  Chairman of the Development Economics Professional Committee of the China Economics Annual Conference






  Working Experience:

  2009.7-2013.8 Professor of Business School, Xiangtan University

  2011.9-2013.8 Postdoctoral in Economic Geography, School of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University

  2013.8-2019.1 Associate Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, School of Economics, Peking University

  2019.2-2020.10 Associate Professor and Doctoral Supervisor appointed by the Dean, School of Economics, Peking University.

  2020.11-now Peking University Boya Distinguished Professor, Doctoral Supervisor


  Research field:

  Development Economics

  Industrial Economics


  Education background:

  1999.9-2003.7 Bachelor's degree in engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiangtan University

  2003.9-2009.7 PhD in economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University


English papers:

1. Yang, Rudai and Yang Yao, 2007, "Limited Catch-up and China’s Economic Growth", in John Wong and Wei Liu, editors. China’s Surging EconomyAdjusting for More Balanced Development. World Scientific.

2. Yang, Rudai, Yang Yao and Ye Zhang, 2008, "Upgrading Technology in China’s Exports", in Jun Zhang and Arthur Sweetman, editors. Economic Transitions with Chinese Characteristics: Thirty Years of Reform and Opening Up. McGill-Queen's University Press.

 3 Yang, Rudai, Yang Yao and Ye Zhang, 2009, "Technological Structure and Its Upgrading in China", China Economic Journal, Vol.2, No.1, pp.55-73.

4. Xu, Shangkun and Rudai Yang, 2010, “Indigenous Characteristics of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Conceptual Paradigm”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.93, No.2, pp.321-333.

5. Xu, Shangkun, Rudai Yang and Xiang Dai, 2008, "Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese Firms and Its Impacts on Corporate Social Capital: An Empirical Study Based on 1268 Manufacture Firms Investigation", International Journal of Psychology, Vol.43, No.3-4, pp.704-704.

6. Zhu, Shi'e and Rudai Yang, 2009, “Comparative Study on Foreign Trade Development Patterns of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River Delta”, Frontier of Economics in China, Vol.4, No.2, pp.228-249.

7. Chen Binkai and Rudai Yang, 2011, "Understanding China's Rising Saving Rate: the Role of Higher Education Reform", in "The New Chinese Economy", Edited by Elias Grivoyannis, Palgrave Macmillan Press.

8. Yang, Rudai and Canfei He, 2014, "The Productivity Puzzle of Chinese Exporters: Perspectives of Local Protection and Spillover Effects ", Papers in Regional Science, Vol.93, No.2, pp.367-384.

9. Beck, Thorsten, Liping Lu and Rudai Yang, 2015, "Finance and Growth for Microenterprises: Evidence from Rural China", World Development, Vol.67, pp.38-56.

10. He, Canfei and Rudai Yang, 2016, "Determinants of Firm Failure: Empirical Evidence from China", Growth and Change, Vol.47, No.1, pp.72-92.

11. Zhong, Ninghua, Shujing Wang, and Rudai Yang, 2017, “Does Corporate Governance Enhance Common Interests of Shareholders and Primary Stakeholders?”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.141, pp.411-431.

12. Yuan, Yan, Zhao Rong, Rudai Yang and Yang Liu, 2015, “Unstableness of Migrant Labor Supply in China: Evidence from Source Areas for 1987-2008”, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol.56, No.3, pp.231-259.

13. Howell, Anthony, Canfei He, Rudai Yang and Cindy Fan, 2016, “Technological Relatedness and Asymmetrical Firm Productivity Gains Under Market Reforms in China”, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, Vol.9, pp.499-515.

14. Zhang, Chuanchuan, Shen Jia and Rudai Yang, 2016, "Housing Affordability and Housing Vacancy in China: The Role of Income Inequality", Journal of Housing Economics, Vol.33, pp.4-14.

15. Qin, Xuezheng, Castiel Zhuang, Rudai Yang, 2017, “Does the One-child Policy Improve Children's Human Capital in China? A Regression Discontinuity Design”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol.45, pp.287-303.

16. Howell, Anthony, Canfei He, Rudai Yang and Cindy Fan, 2018, “Agglomeration, Related Variety and New Firm Survival in China: Do Local Subsidies Matter?”, Papers in Regional Science, Vol.97, No.3, pp.485-500.

17. Lv, Zhike, Rudai Yang, 2018, “Does Women’s Participation in Politics Increase Female Labor Participation? —— Evidence from Panel Data Analysis”, Economics Letters, Vol.170, 35-38.

18. Howell, Anthony, Chong Liu and Rudai Yang, 2020, “Explaining the Urban Premium in Chinese Cities and the Role of Place-Based Policies”, Environment and Planning A, Vol.52, No.7, pp.1332-1356.

Copyright Peking University Tel(F) : 86-10-62751462 Email: weiweilin@pku.edu.cn