On May 13, 2021, the School of Economics of Peking University(SOE) held an online economic history workshop. Matteo Magnaricotte, a 5th year Ph.D. student from Northwestern University, gave a presentation on "Local Specialization and Growth: The Italian Land Reform." Approximately 20 faculty and students attended the workshop, including Yiling Zhao, assistant professor of SOE; Yu Hao, associate professor of SOE; Hanhui Guan, associate professor of SOE and Joy Chen, assistant professor of the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

Matteo began the talk by introducing the historical background of this research. Following WWII, Italy was characterized by large areas of poor farmers, uncultivated land, and absentee landowners. To increase productivity and reduce inequality, the Christian Democrats, the ruling party since the 1948 elections, resolved to enact a law that defined the areas where expropriations of the largest landowners could be carried out. The law rested on the shoulders of the recently adopted Constitution, which declared that private property could be expropriated for general interest with compensation.
The authors use digitized data from the Italian Census and National Institution of Agrarian Economics. The main empirical strategy compares municipalities that were affected and unaffected by the land reform, measured by incidences of expropriation. In a generalized difference in differences model, Matteo showed that treated areas had a significantly higher share of employment in agriculture and a lower share of employment in manufacturing post reform. The results hold at both intensive and extensive margin.
While income and standard of living improved in the short run, Matteo highlighted a negative long-run relationship between land reform and income growth. Matteo ruled out the intermediate channel in a lower level of human capital and pointed out a mechanism through sectoral specialization.
Matteo and the audience had a wonderful discussion regarding the land reform literature and potential alternative mechanisms.
Matteo is a 5th year Ph.D. student at Northwestern University working on topics of development economics with a particular interest in individual labor and educational choices. He uses contemporary and historical data to study the impact of regulation and public policy on a variety of factors that affect economic growth. Matteo will be on the job market next year.