Political Distortions and Infrastructure Networks in China: A Quantitative Spatial Equilibrium Analysis
主讲人:Simon Alder
组织人:张晓波 李力行 席天扬 刘怡 张鹏飞 郝煜 刘冲
题目:Political Distortions and Infrastructure Networks in China: A Quantitative Spatial Equilibrium Analysis
We analyze how politicians' birthplaces affect the allocation of transport infrastructure in China. Based on a general equilibrium trade model and topographical features, we first design the approximately optimal highway network and then test whether deviations between the optimal and actual highway networks can be explained by the birthplaces of high-ranking Chinese officials. Exploiting the timing of the road project and of the politicians' appointments, we show that counties that are birthplaces of politicians who were in office during the planning or implementation phases of the highway network are more likely to be closer to the actual network compared to the optimal network. We combine the reduced form estimates with the general equilibrium model to construct counterfactual networks that allow us to quantify the contribution of the political distortion.
Simon Alder是University of North Carolina经济系的助理教授。他在苏黎世大学获得经济学硕士学位和经济学博士学位。他目前的研究兴趣集中在经济增长与发展,宏观经济学,贸易和政治经济学等领域。他最近的学术论文被发表在 Journal of Economic Growth 。