主讲人:Ake Blomqvist (中央财经大学)
题目: Markets, Competition and Health System Reform in China
The out-of-pocket cost to patients of hospital care has risen rapidly in China in the last 25 years. In part this has happened because restrictions on direct or indirect government subsidies to China’s health care providers have given hospitals and doctors increased incentive to raise revenue from the patients they treat. Price competition among hospitals has not been strong enough to prevent this incentive from resulting in higher out-of-pocket costs for patients, rather than in more efficient production of health services. In this talk, I discuss the issue whether there are policies that can make market-based competition more effective in keeping health care costs down and increasing the efficiency of the health services sector, or whether the best approach is to return to a health care system directly funded and managed by the state.
背景材料:“Direct Provider Subsidies vs. Social Health Insurance: A Compromise Proposal”, by Jiwei Qian and Ake Blomqvist, in Zhao Litao and Lim Tin Seng, eds., China`s New Social Policy: Initiatives for a harmonious society, Chapter 3, pp. 41-72. Singapore: World Scientific, 2010. Vol. 20 in Series on Contemporary China.
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