Zhen Zhou
Disclosure in Epidemics
会议号: 912 163 493
This paper investigates the optimal public disclosure policy to minimize the healthcare congestion in an epidemic. A mass of agents is susceptible to the virus. Agents have private information about the likelihood of being infected, learn the severity of the disease from the public disclosure, and decide whether to visit a hospital. Given the limited capacity of the healthcare system, private decision on hospital visits poses a congestion externality to others. A congestion brings about unnecessary hospital visits and mis-allocation in the healthcare resources. A benevolent principal chooses the optimal public disclosure policy to minimize the welfare loss. We identify a simple optimal policy which implements full transparency when the disease is sufficiently mild and sufficiently severe, but censors all intermediate states. The result from this study can be applied to other environments where the government adopts strategic information transmission to determine the distribution of a limited amount of public resources to privately informed agents.
Zhen Zhou obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from New York University in 2016 and currently is assistant professor at PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University. His current research focuses on information economics, applied theory and financial economics. His work has appeared in leading economics journals such as American Economic Review.
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