Increasing Health Insurance Take-Up in the United States using Personalized Assistance
主讲人:Rebecca Myerson(University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and Public Health)
会议号:275 603 6616
Rebecca Myerson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health Sciences at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and Public Health. Her research examines the impacts of public policies and information interventions on take-up of insurance coverage, health care access, and health outcomes. Myerson holds a doctorate in public policy from the University of Chicago, a master in public health from the University of Washington, and a bachelor degree from Harvard. Myerson’s policy research has been honored with the ISPOR Award for Excellence in Application of Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes Research and cited by the New York Times, Washington Post, United States Senate Committee on Finance, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Health care expenditures account for more than 18% of the United States GDP, and health insurance plays an important role in reducing the costs of care for patients and shielding patients from medical bankruptcy. Yet, many Americans struggle with health insurance enrollment or renewal processes and remain uninsured despite eligibility for low-cost or free insurance. My work evaluates personalized, scalable outreach methods aimed at promoting equal access to health insurance. The underlying hypothesis is that one-on-one multilingual assistance can address multiple barriers to coverage including administrative hassles, low health insurance literacy, and low English proficiency. First, I present evidence on the impact of Affordable Care Act navigator programs on health insurance coverage, using the 80% cut in program funding under the Trump administration as a natural experiment. This research was cited by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in their decision not to allow Georgia to eliminate the navigator program. Two field experiments, one completed and one in the field, assess the impact of outbound telephone calls on enrollment in the health insurance marketplace and renewal of Medicaid coverage, a safety net health insurance program. The strategies we test in these field experiments could be readily scaled in other states or nationwide to reduce gaps in health insurance coverage.
The Soft Environmental Budget Constraint: Unintended Effects of China's SOE Reform on Environmental Regulation
In China, central and provincial state-owned enterprises (SOEs) were historically exempt from local environmental regulations due to institutional barriers. This exemption prompted local authorities to impose stricter environmental regulations on private entities to achieve their emission reduction targets. We explore the effects of the unintended resolution of this soft environmental budget constraint following the decentralization of polluting central and provincial SOEs during China's SOE reform. Using detailed firm-level panel data, we find that polluting SOEs, when decentralized to the prefectural level, encountered stricter environmental regulations. This led to diminished emissions, a drop in total factor productivity (TFP), and increased inputs in pollution control rather than production. Conversely, private firms in the same region displayed a rise in emissions, output, and TFP. The spillover effects were especially marked for private firms with significant financial limitations. On a broader scale, SOE decentralization in a given prefecture led to an overall reduction in emissions without notably impacting aggregate industrial output or productivity. A hypothetical reallocation of 10% emissions from SOEs to private firms could yield total industrial output gains ranging from 0.74% to 3.31%.
On Competition in Linear Persuasion Games
Junze Sun is an associate research fellow (untenured associate professor) at the School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University. He obtained his PhD in economics from the University of Amsterdam in 2019. Before joining Wuhan University, he worked as a Max Weber postdoctoral research fellow at the European University Institute. His research interests lie in microeconomic theory, information economics, political economics, as well as behavioral and experimental economics. His current research mainly focuses on two themes: strategic provision and effects of information in elections, and strategic information transmission in sender-receiver games. His papers have been accepted for publication or requested for revision at various journals, including Games and Economics Behavior, Journal of Public Economic Theory, and the Economic Journal.
We study competition in persuasion with multiple senders in linear Bayesian persuasion games, where senders' payoffs depend only on the receiver's posterior expectation about a uni-dimensional state. Using the duality method for linear persuasion (Dworczak and Martini, 2019), we derive a partial geometric characterization for the minimally informative equilibrium outcomes. Building on this, we identify a sufficient and necessary condition that ensures full information disclosure as the unique equilibrium outcome. We apply this condition to a game in which multiple senders compete in persuading a privately informed receiver to take a binary action. There, we show that a strong conflict of interests between senders is neither sufficient nor necessary to robustly – i.e., independently of the distributions of the state and the receiver's private type – induce full disclosure as the unique equilibrium outcome. We provide economically meaningful sufficient conditions for such robust full disclosure. Finally, we derive sufficient conditions that ensure a receiver to be strictly better off by exploiting senders' competition instead of consulting any single sender.
The Economics of Mobilizing Free-riders: Evidence from the Chinese Civil War 1945-1949
主讲人:Peiyuan Li (Duke Kunshan University)
主持老师:(北大经院)赵一泠、Mark Hup
Peiyuan Li is an assistant professor at Duke Kunshan University. His research focus is at the crossroads of economic history, political economy and development economics. His research has been published in Australian Economic History Review and Economics of Transition and Institutional Change. He won the Best Paper Award at the Annual International Symposium on Quantitative History in 2021.
Land redistribution can be deliberately designed to trigger a civil war. How did the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rally millions of farmers to win in 1949? The crucial step was to initiate land reform through class struggle, empowering farmers to violently take land from their landlords. Farmers desired land ownership but feared reprisals from landlords, who were backed by the Kuomintang (KMT) government. Therefore, farmers had to choose between joining the CCP’s army to defend their land, and free-riding. Adopting a difference-in-difference design and examining the death records of 566,161 Communist soldiers, I find that, for counties within 82 kilometers of KMT forces, a greater share of land redistribution to farmers encouraged farmers to fight, leading to a rise in CCP soldier deaths after land reform. However, for counties that were farther than 82 kilometers from KMT forces, a greater share of land transfer to farmers discouraged them from fighting (free-riding), resulting in fewer soldier deaths after land reform. A model of class struggle for land ownership explains the two different patterns. This paper develops a novel theory of war mobilization.
Rolled-over Credit Cycles
Dr. Haozhou TANG is currently an assistant professor at Institute for Advanced Economic Research (IAER), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in 2017. Prior to joining IAER, he was an economist in Bank of Mexico. His research focuses on macroeconomic theory, financial markets and firm dynamics. His research has been published in the Journal of Monetary Economics.
Canonical macroeconomic and financial models require credit to be equal to its fundamental component, i.e., the net present value of the net flows to creditors. According to this conventional view, credit booms are expected to precede increased flows to creditors. However, data suggests the opposite. To rationalize the novel empirical findings, we develop a model with financial frictions and heterogeneous firms, allowing firms to roll over a fraction of credits indefinitely. We show that an increase in indefinite rollover credit raises the aggregate credit and output while depressing the credit's fundamental component through firms' precautionary savings.
Defending Against Air Pollution: The Role of Active Information Nudge and Attention
龚亚珍博士,教授、博士生导师,中国人民大学环境学院国际交流办公室主任。2023年当选为The Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (AAERE)副理事长。研究兴趣主要集中在两方面:其一,从行为经济学的视角、结合实地实验和问卷调查方法,研究自然资源保护和污染防护中的个体行为决策,并从社会偏好、认知约束等方面探究个体行为决策的影响机理;其二,着重在环境和健康、气候变化影响与适应、环境规制等方向上开展微观计量分析。研究成果发表在PNAS,Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Land Economics, Ecological Economics,Annual Review of Resource Economics,Agricultural Economics,Climatic Change、Science of the Total Environment等SSCI/SCI期刊,以及《中国环境科学》《自然资源学报》等国内核心期刊。主持了“十四五”国家重点研发计划项目课题、“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目及国家自然科学基金青年基金项目等。
Information nudges have been widely used to influence behavior but there is a lack of understanding of the associated mechanisms and the optimal design. We distinguish active and passive information nudges and show that the former is more effective in promoting defensive behaviors such as outdoor time and mask-wearing against air pollution, and does so through reducing inattention. We conduct a large-scale field experiment through randomized control trails in Northern China with treatments of free masks and information nudges throughout a winter heating season when pollution was the heaviest. Unlike passive information nudges where participants were simply provided information about pollution and the associated health damages and required defensive measures, active nudges require participants to perform an easy task such as matching pollution levels with the corresponding health damages as well as the necessity to wear facemasks.
会议号:682 645 207