Information Asymmetry, “T+1” Trading and Overnight Return Puzzle
题目:Information Asymmetry, “T+1” Trading Rule and Overnight Return
地点: 永利集团3044am官方入口107会议室
Our research suggests that the "T+1" trading rule exacerbates the adverse selection problem for liquidity providers who buy (BLP, SLP for seller), providing insights into the puzzle of negative overnight returns in the Chinese stock market. T+1 trading, which prohibits same-day selling, constrains stop-loss strategies for BLP, leading to more losses in trades with informed traders. The resulting asymmetry in adverse selection between BLP and SLP leads to a discount on the daily opening price, which diminishes gradually during intraday as the "T+1" rule becomes less restrictive, contributing to negative overnight returns. In line with information asymmetry, our findings indicate that stocks with small market capitalization, limited analyst coverage, and those nearing earning announcements tend to demonstrate more negative overnight returns. Furthermore, we introduce a theoretical model to establish a structured framework for our analysis.