一、施罗德投资首席经济学家Keith Wade演讲
主题:Global outlook: where now, after the year of living dangerously?
1. The BBB recovery: bumpy, brittle and below par
2. Where now for the euro? – has Super Mario cracked it?
3. Risk scenarios
4. Market outlook
5. In the long run
Keith Wade
n Keith Wade is the Chief Economist and he based in Schroders London office.
n Responsible for the economics team and the house view of the world economy. Formulates asset allocation strategies and is based in our Multi asset group in London. Member of the Group Asset Allocation Committee.
n He became our senior economist responsible for international economic forecasting in early 1992. Investment career commenced when he joined Schroders in 1988 as UK economist.
n Prior to joining Schroders he was a researcher at the London Business School`s Centre for Economic Forecasting.
n Member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals (UKSIP) and the Society of Business Economists. Investment Management Certificate (IMC).
n Trustee and chair of investment committee for ACT (Charity for Addenbrookes, Cambridge University teaching hospital in Cambridge).
n Regular contributor to the press and has co-authored a book on macro-economics for MBA students.
n MSc and BSc in Economics, London School of Economics.
David Guo(郭炜)
Head of China Business Schroders
n 现施罗德中国业务总监,负责集团在中国所有领域的业务发展,范围涵盖机构投资、中介服务,以及其它企业事务,包括施罗德与交通银行在上海合资经营的交银施罗德基金管理有限公司。
n 2010 年5月加入施罗德。曾任:联博投资管理公司中国业务总监;MSCI Barra(摩根士丹利资本国际 Barra)中国区总监;汇丰投资管理中国区首席代表一职。
n 协助很多中国投资机构建立投资风险管理架构。
n 曾为监管机关和业界组织作咨询顾问,例如中国证监会和亚洲开发银行等机构。
n 作为外部咨询顾问委员之一协助中国劳动和社会保障部(现为人力资源和社会保障部)起草企业年金规章。
n 中国人民银行研究生部(现清华大学五道口金融学院)金融硕士,北京大学经济学士学位。
Annie Wong
n joined Schroders in 2008,
n covering the Human Resources function for Greater China.
n more than 20 years of experience in human resources in providing a wide spectrum of HR functions and consultancy services to the businesses across the region in financial sectors.
n master degree in Human Resource Management.
施罗德对亚洲尤其是中国业务,做出了长期和严肃的承诺。我们在亚洲的业务约有50年历史,目前在亚洲9个国家有11个办公室。施罗德还与交通银行合资成立了交银施罗德基金管理公司,在同类基金管理公司中位居前列。 亚洲以及中国的业务发展为集团战略的重中之重。施罗德集团希望能够从中国本土选聘优秀的人才,将来成为施罗德集团的投资以及业务骨干。
n 竞赛仅对永利集团3044am官方入口学生开放
n 时间:2012年11月-2013年2月
n 前五名将获得:人民币1万元奖学金/冬季
n 竞赛胜者及其他表现优异者:于施罗德集团众多的亚洲办公室中的其中一所进行2个月暑期实习机会,施罗德集团将提供生活津贴、往返机票及住宿
n Duration: 2 years programme in Asia / London for international exposure
n Rotation: Across different teams
n Professional exams: Trainee would have an opportunity to study and sit for CFA exam at company sponsorship. While in London, IMC exam would be included.
n Mentorship: Guiding by a mentor during the training period
n Career development: Potential candidate for Schroders future leader / specialist